There may come a time when you need to file a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI/SSI) or Supplement Security Income (SSI). While the process itself may appear straightforward, there are small details that can lead to a denial.
The Social Security Administration (SSA) can deny your claim for a variety of reasons, with the following among the most common:
- You did not provide sufficient medical evidence to back up your claim
- Your disability isn’t expected to last longer than 12 months
- Your disability is not severe enough
- Your disability is related to a drug or alcohol addiction
- You’re still able to perform your job or some other type of work
- You did not adhere to the medical treatment strategy outlined by your doctor
- You went back to work before proving your disability
It’s easy to make one of these mistakes, especially when you’re facing a serious illness or injury and don’t have the time and/or energy to closely consider every detail.
What to do about a denial
You don’t want to forget about the denial and search for other ways to receive financial assistance. Instead, you have the legal right to appeal the decision with the hope of it being overturned in the near future.
The first thing you need to do is file a request for reconsideration. When doing so, you’ll want to include new information and evidence to backup your claim and dispute the original findings.
No one wants to deal with filing an appeal, but it’s important to protect your legal rights and chase after the Social Security disability payments that you deserve.